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SEA Overview
Strategic Environmental Analysis, L.C. (SEA) is a management consulting firm that principally serves clients in the hazardous waste, radioactive waste, solid waste, recycling, remediation, and wastewater fields by analyzing the impact of business, regulatory and technology factors on the environmental services marketplace, and by devising strategies to cope with future market conditions. SEA's areas of practice include: market studies focused on strategic planning and competitive analysis; due diligence and related investment investigations; litigation support and expert witness testimony; regulatory and policy analysis; policy development and governmental representation; technology assessments; permitting and compliance strategies; and, other related business research. Regarding market studies specifically, SEA specializes in development of real-time data on current market conditions to help guide client decisions.
The President of SEA is Richard C. Fortuna. For the past 32 years, Mr. Fortuna has been one of the principal architects of the nation's preventive hazardous waste management policies. Mr. Fortuna is best known for his work in developing key provisions of the 1984 RCRA Amendments (i.e. the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments—HSWA), including the land disposal restriction, corrective action and “hammer” provisions, while serving on the House Energy and Commerce Committee under Congressman James Florio. In addition, Mr. Fortuna participated in the enactment of the original Superfund Act (i.e. CERCLA) in 1980, while a member of Congressman John J. Dingell’s personal legislative staff, and contributed to the 1986 Superfund Reauthorization (SARA). Based on these and other legislative successes, a recent Brookings study identified “reducing exposure to hazardous waste” as one of the Federal government’s 50 greatest accomplishments of the 20th century. >RCF Resume
Mr. Fortuna has served as a RCRA Expert Witness, Superfund Expert Witness, (CERCLA Expert Witness), a hazardous waste management expert witness, as a hazardous waste regulatory/regulation expert witness, an industry practices expert witness, and/or as a remediation expert witness in over 20 Federal, state and local judicial and administrative proceedings. He has been admitted as an expert in Federal, state, and local courts and an EPA ALJ Proceeding. He has also authored a text on the 1984 legislative reforms to RCRA, published by McGraw Hill: “Hazardous Waste Regulation.”
SEA is a dynamic, cost-effective, consulting firm with a national network of professionals with over 200-years of combined experience. SEA works in partnership with numerous experts and firms to bring the best set of complimentary skills to bear on the task at hand. This diverse network enables SEA to structure cost-effective solutions to a wide range of business challenges. SEA’s structure and capabilities ensure effective and timely response to the needs of its clients even with the quick turnaround times often required for Board or Senior Management determinations. Clients include environmental management firms, members of the legal and financial communities, engineering firms, insurance companies, "Fortune 500” companies, environmental groups, and state and Federal agencies including the EPA, DOE, DOJ and the State Department.
In summary, SEA has unparalleled experience in facilitating the success of its clients with environmental challenges by virtue of the following:
SEA has worked with over 100 environmental management firms, waste generators, insurers and financial firms on a wide range of projects;
SEA’s professionals network has well over 200 years of combined experience in assessing and solving environmental management challenges;
SEA has submitted over 100 comments on various proposed Federal environmental regulations;
SEA has conducted over 35 Market Studies in association with various due diligence investigations or legal proceedings
SEA has provided expert support in approximately 30 legal proceedings for a variety of insurance, business and environmental interests. Mr. Fortuna has been admitted as a RCRA/CERCLA (Superfund) Expert Witness and/or an Industry Practices Expert Witness in various proceedings including Federal and State Court and EPA ALJ Proceedings; and,
SEA’s President, Richard Fortuna, has testified before Congress and various state legislatures over 25 times, and organized 8 other Congressional hearings, while serving on the House Energy and Commerce Committee staff.
Please contact SEA for a complimentary consultation on how we can best address the challenges faced by your firm or client. > Email: SEA.LLC@RichardFortuna.com
Richard C. Fortuna
Potomac, Maryland 20854